How to Heal Body, Mind, and Soul

In what can often feel like a pretty chaotic world, taking a couple moments everyday to take a few deep breaths and go inward can do wonders for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Plenty of studies confirm this, but more importantly it makes sense that focusing on healing for a brief time everyday will eventually result in manifesting more healing thoughts, choices, behaviors, habits, and actions in your life. 

We’re living through a miraculous time of transformation and our collective healing is at the forefront of massive change in many of the systems in our world. A healing practice allows us all to hold space for positive change and beneficial collective growth in the world. I truly believe healing practices are a form of service work because of the energetic ripple effect.

As a yogi, I want to emphasize the idea of the practice. Not the perfect. In yoga, we say, “Some days you sigh. Some days you fly.” What this means is if you show up consistently, you’ll notice some days the practice is harder than others. There will be days where you’re going through stuff and you come up against resistance. Your back hurts or you just can’t get out of your head. There will be other days where you are totally into it and things feel like they’re super charged. Expect the ups and downs. But always find satisfaction in the fact that you showed up. Stick with the practice and you will start to notice massive shifts in your relationship with yourself and the world around you. You will feel more at peace, more sure of your place in the world. Things will feel more magical and beautiful. That’s what healing is about.

The definition of what it means to Heal: 

  1. To make free from injury or disease: to make sound or whole.

  2. To make well again: to restore to health

  3. To cause an undesirable condition to be overcome

  4. To patch up or correct

  5. To restore to original purity or integrity

So, now that we know the definition, how do we heal? 

First, we must set the intention to restore our body, mind, and soul to a place of peace. From there, we take conscious action. And since you’re here, whether you realize it or not, the intention has been set and you are taking action to live in alignment with your greatest good. By reading posts like this, you are choosing a path of higher awareness. You’re open to clearing blocks and making space for expansion. You’re willing to step up and do the things you need to do to evolve your consciousness in this lifetime. You have set the intention to level up. And this intention serves not only your highest good, but the highest good of all beings everywhere.

By choosing to do the inner work and showing up to support your personal growth on a daily basis, you may not get a trophy for your hard work, but you will know deep down that no matter what, you’re feeding your soul with nourishment and making a difference by going inward to heal. You’re giving to others by giving to yourself. 

What exactly does a daily healing practice look like?

It can look different for everyone and different by the day, but there are a few core disciplines that can help you make sure you stay committed to taking action every day. One example of a powerful healing discipline is a daily yoga class where you not only move your body in ways that release energetic blockages, but you also benefit from breath work, meditation, and community interaction. Another example of a powerful healing discipline is creating a conscious meal plan where you are mindful about the foods you consume and how they nourish your body. Another example of a healing practice is gratitude journaling. When you take time to put positive thoughts on paper, you allow energy to flow from your mind, creating space for your mind to relax and your heart to open. Now, going back to the concept of the “practice” of healing, it is important to never mentally bash yourself because you didn’t make it to a yoga class or went a bit heavy on the sweets. Nourishing thoughts are just as important as nourishing foods!

If you are committed to a healing practice, but looking for a way to ease into the healing mindset, I created The Daily Healing podcast for you. Simply wake up in the morning and before you have your cup of tea or coffee, before you head to off on a run or to a yoga class, pop in your headphones and take a few minutes to be guided into a healing mindset for the day. Once you have listened to the healing topic and visualized and meditation on the experience of this theme, the tone of your day will be dialed into a higher frequency. You will be attuned to healing thoughts and choices. You will be aligned with your highest good. So, here’s what the days of your week will start like when you commit to the Daily Healing…

Week One: Lesson plus meditation

Monday: Grounding

Tuesday: Inspiration

Wednesday: Movement

Thursday: Nourishment

Friday: Gratitude

Saturday: Forgiveness

Sunday: Grace

Shortly, I’ll launch another week’s worth of healing lessons and meditations to help you continue evolving, loving, and healing your body, mind, and soul. We are doing this work together and each time we show up to our daily healing practice, we are lifting our own frequency while also raising the consciousness of the world around us. Spreading peace. Spreading love. Spreading healing to all beings everywhere, including the planet. 

If you find yourself wanting to share your experience or having questions or ideas about future meditations, feel free to connect with me on Twitter @BrittMichaelian, use the contact page or just send me an email. I’d love to hear from you!

It is an honor to walk beside you on this healing journey.

Thank you for being here. 

With Love & Gratitude.




What It Means to Ground and a Grounding Meditation


The Daily Healing Podcast is HERE!