Day Five: How to Connect with the Infinite Love of Source Energy

Needing a little unconditional love? 

Feeling disconnected from God, the Creator, something bigger?

Is it time to get back in touch with the greater good of all?

It happens. Sometimes we just get lost in the physical world and all of the bright shiny things and lose sight of the bigger picture. The culture we live in seems to have forgotten how important it is for humans to feel a part of something greater. Without this connection, life feels meaningless and empty which can lead to destructive patterns and behaviors. 

Sometimes we wake up and just feel off and can’t put our finger on why, but things don’t feel soulful. Maybe you’re reading this now thinking THAT’S IT! As I said, it happens. So, in times like these, especially when the news and society we live in feels so distorted, the best thing we can do is say a prayer, talk to God, meditate on the infinite love of Source Energy and relax into the knowing that there are bigger forces in the Universe who are loving and supporting us along the way.

Please sit quietly and listen to this 10 minute meditation to connect with the infinite love of Source energy. It will help you to tap into that bigger picture and turn on your connection to something greater.

And if you want to dive deeper into your consciousness expansion, please follow along with the Daily Healing meditations every day as part of your healing practice. Welcome to the family! We are all here to heal.


Day Six: How to Awaken Your Mind to Truth


Day Four: Ascend into Your Spiritual Heart-Centered Self