How to Feel Inspired

Today we will be exploring inspiration and feeling inspired. When we feel inspired, our energy lifts, and we feel more connected to our essence and purpose. We feel elevated and part of something bigger. When we are inspired, we are in the flow state and as such, we feel free to let go, to dive deeper. And often times in the state of inspiration anything feels possible. Quite literally, Inspiration feels like magic because from this place, all creation is born, it is the space of infinite possibilities.

Think of a moment in your life now where inspiration has presented itself to you. It could have been a time when you witnessed someone else in their zone of genius or a time when you felt fully aligned and present in an activity. Even if it’s been a while since you’ve felt truly inspired by anything, just tune into this memory. 

Where do you feel inspiration in your body? 

Maybe in your belly, a tingling. Maybe just a smile on your face. Maybe you feel “in the zone” and fully embodied. Whatever it is, think of a moment where you have experienced a feeling of total inspiration. Connect to that feeling right now. Breathe it in. 

And release it. 

We are here to create. To grow. To evolve. And to do this, we need inspiration.

The Definition of inspiration: A noun.

  1. The excitement of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.

  2. The condition of being so excited.

  3. The quality of being so excited, as manifested in something.

When we feel excitement for something, we are light and free. We feel safe. Calm. Whole. We let go, releasing everything that weighs on us or lowers our vibration. And we move into the unknown with loving curiosity. 

To heal, we must start with being fully present and centered in the moment, grounded in this reality. From there, we need inspiration as the wind under our wings, lifting us as we take flight. When we focus on this healing intention it benefits us as individuals and the collective, all beings everywhere because our energy spreads out into the world inspiring others. Energy is contagious. 

Mantra: I am inspired to create a life for the highest good of all beings everywhere.

Ways to get inspired:

  • Take a walk or hike in nature

  • View art from the masters

  • Listen to healing frequency music

  • Spend time with children and their active imaginations

  • Have a solo dance party (or invite some friends over for a dance party!)

  • Take a bath with magnesium salts and essential oils to clear your energy and open your mind

  • Listen to podcasts or interviews with people who invite new ideas into your mind


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