How to Nourish Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Beyond

Today we will be exploring the healing essence of nourishment and feeling supported. When we are nourished, physically, mentally, and spiritually, we feel more connected to our soul’s vision and purpose. We are not distracted by things that don’t serve our highest good because we are laser focused on what lifts us higher. Nourishing ourselves and having compassion for our own bodies and souls allows us to inspire others to do the same for themselves. 

By nourishing our body, mind, and soul, we are able to show up in our best form, with clear thoughts, a calm presence, and a full heart.  When others experience our energy in this way, it is a powerful invitation to align with nourishing practices. Because it feels good to feel good. This is when nourishment feels like true freedom. When we are in the flow state, making decisions aligned with the highest good, we feel free to let go and surrender to what is.

Think of a time in your life now where you chose nourishment. It could have been a time when you chose to eat foods that really supported your physical healing. High vibration foods support not just our physical body, but our emotional body as well. It could have been a time when you redirected your internal thoughts to more positive or uplifting themes or when you decided to stay home instead of surrounding yourself with people who don’t fill your cup. 

Our internal landscape can create fertile ground for growth or it can dry up our soil and deplete us. Maybe you can remember a time when people around you were not supporting you with loving words and actions so you shifted your energy and maybe decided those people weren’t a healthy choice for you at that time. Or maybe you have a memory of someone taking loving care of you and you felt so nourished and complete. That is a beautiful memory. Or maybe there was a day when something felt so intense and overwhelming, so you decided to do something completely out of character, but so needed for your soul. 

Nourishment is a decision. Even if it’s been a while since you’ve consciously chosen a high vibration food for the sake of nourishment, or a loving thought to nourish your mind, just tune into a memory where nourishment was made that positively impacted your life. Just one memory. And hold on to it for a sec.

At the time, as you remember it now, where did you feel the healing nourishment in your body?

Maybe it was in your belly, a tingling. Maybe it was just a smile on your face. Maybe your heart swelled with love. Whatever it was just think of a moment where you experienced nourishment. And connect to that feeling right now. 

Breathe it in. 

And release it. 

We are here to create. To grow. To evolve. To love. And to do this, we need nourishment.

The Definition of Nourishment: A noun.

  1. Food, nutriment

  2. Sustenance

  3. The act of nourishing: the state of being nourished

Nourishing: an adjective

  1. Nutritious

Nourished: a verb

  1. Nurture, rear

  2. To promote the growth of

  3. To furnish or sustain

  4. To maintain, support

Nourishment happens in our body, in our mind, in our spirit, and all around us in the world. Our minds are very active, but when we take the time to focus our thoughts on stillness and peace, we give our systems a chance to reset and find balance. It is the same with the foods we choose, in that they help keep our systems balanced. This is why nourishment is so important. 

Are you choosing nourishment as a daily healing practice? 

Are you tuned in to the ways in which you can nourish our body, mind, and soul? 

Are you playing an active role in this nourishment? 

Most importantly, are you nourishing not just your own systems, but the collective systems around you?

When we surrender to the process of maintaining and supporting our health, we select wellness as a goal. Thus, we are choosing to honor our vessel, our experience, our lessons. And at the same time, when we nourish ourselves on all levels, we are aligned with our highest good and the highest good of all. In turn, we experience a healing clarity that only comes with this type of commitment. A sense of deep knowing. Calm. Wholeness. We let go, releasing everything that weighs on us or lowers our vibration. Moving the things that don’t serve out of our presence and replacing them with what does serve. This is true nourishment. And as this happens, we move into the unknown with loving curiosity and life feels better. 

Please enjoy the following meditation to nourish your soul for the next few minutes.



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